Source code for atomium.mmtf

"""Contains functions for dealing with the .mmtf file format."""

import msgpack
import struct
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime
from .mmcif import get_structure_from_atom, create_entities, split_residue_id
from .structures import Chain, Ligand

[docs]def mmtf_bytes_to_mmtf_dict(bytestring): """Takes the raw bytestring of a .mmtf file and turns it into a normal, fully decoded JSON dictionary. :patam bytes bytestring: the .mmtf filestring. :rtype: ``dict``""" raw = msgpack.unpackb(bytestring) return decode_dict(raw)
[docs]def decode_dict(d): """Takes a dictionary that might have bytestring keys, lists of bytestring values, .mmtf binary values, or other weirdness, and returns a dully decoded version of it which is a JSON-valid dictionary. :param dict d: the dictionary to read. :rtype: ``dict``""" new = {} for key, value in d.items(): try: new_value = value.decode() except: new_value = value if isinstance(new_value, str) and new_value and new_value[0] == "\x00": new_value = new_value.encode() if isinstance(new_value, bytes): new_value = parse_binary_field(new_value) if isinstance(new_value, list) and new_value: if isinstance(new_value[0], dict): new_value = [decode_dict(x) for x in new_value] elif isinstance(new_value[0], bytes): new_value = [x.decode() for x in new_value] new[key.decode() if isinstance(key, bytes) else key] = new_value return new
[docs]def parse_binary_field(b): """Some fields in a .mmtf file cannot be unpacked by msgpack and have special .mmtf encoding, as specified in its documentation. This function takes such a field and decodes it. :param bytestring b: the field to parse. :returns: the parsed result (type varies).""" codec, length, params = struct.unpack(">iii", b[:12]) len4 = lambda b: int(len(b[12:]) / 4) if codec == 1: return struct.unpack("f" * length, b[12:]) elif codec == 2: return struct.unpack("b" * length, b[12:]) elif codec == 3: return struct.unpack(">" + "h" * length, b[12:]) elif codec == 4: return struct.unpack(">" + "i" * length, b[12:]) elif codec == 5: chars = struct.unpack("c" * (length * 4), b[12:]) return [b"".join([ c for c in chars[i * 4: (i + 1) * 4] if c != b"\x00" ]).decode() for i in range(length)] elif codec == 6: integers = struct.unpack(">" + ("i" * len4(b)), b[12:]) return [chr(c) if c != 0 else "" for c in run_length_decode(integers)] elif codec == 7: integers = struct.unpack(">" + ("i" * len4(b)), b[12:]) return run_length_decode(integers) elif codec == 8: integers = struct.unpack(">" + ("i" * len4(b)), b[12:]) return delta_decode(run_length_decode(integers)) elif codec == 9: integers = struct.unpack(">" + ("i" * len4(b)), b[12:]) return [n / params for n in run_length_decode(integers)] elif codec == 10: integers = struct.unpack(">" + ("h" * int(len(b[12:]) / 2)), b[12:]) return [n / params for n in delta_decode(recursive_decode(integers))] else: raise ValueError(".mmtf error: {} is invalid codec".format(codec))
[docs]def run_length_decode(integers): """Expands a list of integers where every second integer is a count of the integer before it. :param list integers: the integers to decode. :rtype: ``list``""" x = [] for index, val in enumerate(integers[::2]): x += [val] * integers[1::2][index] return x
[docs]def delta_decode(integers): """Turns a list of integers into a new list of integers where the values in the first are treated as deltas to be applied to the previous value. :param list integers: the integers to decode. :rtype: ``list``""" array, last = [], 0 for i in integers: last += i array.append(last) return array
[docs]def recursive_decode(integers, bits=16): """Turns a list of integers into a new list of integers where the values in the first are merged if it looks like a higher order integer split over two integers. (Code here adapted from the official python-mmtf package.) :param list integers: the integers to decode. :rtype: ``list``""" new = [] power = 2 ** (bits - 1) cutoff = [power - 1, 0 - power] index = 0 while index < len(integers): value = 0 while integers[index] in cutoff: value += integers[index] index += 1 if integers[index] == 0: break value += integers[index] index += 1 new.append(value) return new
[docs]def mmtf_dict_to_data_dict(mmtf_dict): """Converts an .mmtf dictionary into an atomium data dictionary, with the same standard layout that the other file formats get converted into. :param dict mmtf_dict: the .mmtf dictionary. :rtype: ``dict``""" data_dict = { "description": { "code": None, "title": None, "deposition_date": None, "classification": None, "keywords": [], "authors": [] }, "experiment": { "technique": None, "source_organism": None, "expression_system": None, "missing_residues": [] }, "quality": {"resolution": None, "rvalue": None, "rfree": None}, "geometry": {"assemblies": [], "crystallography": {}}, "models": [] } mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, "description", "code", "structureId") mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, "description", "title", "title") mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, "description", "deposition_date", "depositionDate", date=True) mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, "experiment", "technique", "experimentalMethods", first=True) mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, "quality", "resolution", "resolution", trim=3) mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, "quality", "rvalue", "rWork", trim=3) mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, "quality", "rfree", "rFree", trim=3) mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict["geometry"], "crystallography", "space_group", "spaceGroup") mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict["geometry"], "crystallography", "unit_cell", "unitCell", trim=3) if data_dict["geometry"]["crystallography"].get("space_group") == "NA": data_dict["geometry"]["crystallography"] = {} data_dict["geometry"]["assemblies"] = [{ "id": int(a["name"]), "software": None, "delta_energy": None, "buried_surface_area": None, "surface_area": None, "transformations": [{ "chains": [mmtf_dict["chainIdList"][i] for i in t["chainIndexList"]], "matrix": [t["matrix"][n * 4: (n * 4) + 3] for n in range(3)], "vector": t["matrix"][3:-4:4]} for t in a.get("transformList", []) ] } for a in mmtf_dict.get("bioAssemblyList", [])] update_models_list(mmtf_dict, data_dict) return data_dict
[docs]def update_models_list(mmtf_dict, data_dict): """Takes a data dictionary and updates its models list with information from a .mmtf dictionary. :param dict mmtf_dict: the .mmtf dictionary to read. :param dict data_dict: the data dictionary to update.""" atoms = get_atoms_list(mmtf_dict) group_definitions = get_group_definitions_list(mmtf_dict) groups = get_groups_list(mmtf_dict, group_definitions) chains = get_chains_list(mmtf_dict, groups) for model_num in range(mmtf_dict["numModels"]): model = {"polymer": {}, "non-polymer": {}, "water": {}, "branched": {}} for chain_num in range(mmtf_dict["chainsPerModel"][model_num]): chain = chains[chain_num] add_chain_to_model(chain, model, atoms) data_dict["models"].append(model)
[docs]def get_atoms_list(mmtf_dict): """Creates a list of atom dictionaries from a .mmtf dictionary by zipping together some of its fields. :param dict mmtf_dict: the .mmtf dictionary to read. :rtype: ``list``""" return [{ "x": x, "y": y, "z": z, "alt_loc": a or None, "bvalue": b, "occupancy": o, "id": i, "is_hetatm": False } for x, y, z, a, b, i, o in zip( mmtf_dict["xCoordList"], mmtf_dict["yCoordList"], mmtf_dict["zCoordList"], mmtf_dict["altLocList"], mmtf_dict["bFactorList"], mmtf_dict["atomIdList"], mmtf_dict["occupancyList"] )]
[docs]def get_group_definitions_list(mmtf_dict): """Gets a list of group definitions from the .mmtf dict and packs its atom attributes into atoms dicts. :param dict mmtf_dict: the .mmtf dictionary to read. :rtype: ``list``""" group_definitions = [] for group in mmtf_dict["groupList"]: atoms = [{ "name": name, "element": element.upper(), "charge": charge } for name, element, charge in zip( group["atomNameList"], group["elementList"], group["formalChargeList"], )] group_definitions.append({ "name": group["groupName"], "atoms": atoms }) return group_definitions
[docs]def get_groups_list(mmtf_dict, group_definitions): """Creates a list of group dictionaries from a .mmtf dictionary by zipping together some of its fields. :param dict mmtf_dict: the .mmtf dictionary to read. :rtype: ``list``""" sec_struct = [ "helices", None, "helices", "strands", "helices", "strands", None, None ] return [{ "number": id, "insert": insert, "secondary_structure": sec_struct[ss], **group_definitions[type_] } for id, insert, ss, type_, in zip( mmtf_dict["groupIdList"], mmtf_dict["insCodeList"], mmtf_dict.get("secStructList", [-1] * len(mmtf_dict["groupIdList"])), mmtf_dict["groupTypeList"] )]
[docs]def get_chains_list(mmtf_dict, groups): """Creates a list of chain dictionaries from a .mmtf dictionary by zipping together some of its fields. :param dict mmtf_dict: the .mmtf dictionary to read. :rtype: ``list``""" chains = [] for i_id, id, group_num in zip(mmtf_dict["chainIdList"], mmtf_dict["chainNameList"], mmtf_dict["groupsPerChain"]): chain = {"id": id, "internal_id": i_id, "groups": groups[:group_num]} del groups[:group_num] for entity in mmtf_dict["entityList"]: if len(chains) in entity["chainIndexList"]: chain["type"] = entity["type"] chain["sequence"] = entity.get("sequence", "") chain["full_name"] = entity.get("description", None) break chains.append(chain) return chains
[docs]def add_chain_to_model(chain, model, atoms): """Adds a 'chain' to a model - a chain in the .mmtf dict, which can also be a non-polymer. :param dict chain: the 'chain' to add. :param dict model: the model to add it to. :param list atoms: the atoms list to work through.""" if chain["type"] == "polymer" or chain["type"] == "branched": polymer = { "internal_id": chain["internal_id"], "sequence": chain["sequence"], "helices": [], "strands": [], "residues": {} } for i, group in enumerate(chain["groups"], start=1): add_het_to_dict(group, chain, atoms, polymer["residues"], number=i) add_ss_to_chain(polymer) model["polymer"][chain["id"]] = polymer else: for group in chain["groups"]: add_het_to_dict(group, chain, atoms, model[chain["type"]])
[docs]def add_het_to_dict(group, chain, atoms, d, number=None): """Adds a ligand or water or residue to the appropriate dict. An ID and name will be generated for it. :param dict group: the group template the het should be based on. :param dict chain: the chain (in the real sense) the het is associated with. :param list atoms: the atoms list to work through. :param dict d: the dictionary to add to. :param int number: if given, the residue number to use.""" het_id = f"{chain['id']}.{group['number']}{group['insert']}" het_atoms = atoms[:len(group["atoms"])] del atoms[:len(het_atoms)] het_atoms = {a["id"]: { "anisotropy": [0] * 6, **a, **g_a } for a, g_a in zip(het_atoms, group["atoms"])} for a in het_atoms.values(): del a["id"] het = { "name": group["name"], "atoms": het_atoms, "full_name": None, "secondary_structure": group["secondary_structure"] } if number is None: het["internal_id"] = chain["internal_id"] het["polymer"] = chain["id"] het["full_name"] = chain["full_name"] else: het["number"] = number d[het_id] = het
[docs]def add_ss_to_chain(chain): """Updates polymer dictionary with secondary structure information, from information temporarily stored in its residue dicts. :param dict chain: the chain to update.""" in_ss = {"helices": False, "strands": False} for res_id, res in chain["residues"].items(): ss = res["secondary_structure"] if ss: if not in_ss[ss]: chain[ss].append([]) in_ss[ss] = True chain[ss][-1].append(res_id) else: if in_ss["helices"]: in_ss["helices"] = False if in_ss["strands"]: in_ss["strands"] = False del res["secondary_structure"]
[docs]def mmtf_to_data_transfer(mmtf_dict, data_dict, d_cat, d_key, m_key, date=False, first=False, trim=False): """A function for transfering a bit of data from a .mmtf dictionary to a data dictionary, or doing nothing if the data doesn't exist. :param dict mmtf_dict: the .mmtf dictionary to read. :param dict data_dict: the data dictionary to update. :param str d_cat: the top-level key in the data dictionary. :param str d_key: the data dictionary field to update. :param str m_key: the .mmtf field to read. :param bool date: if True, the value will be converted to a date. :param bool first: if True, the value's first item will be split used. :param int trim: if given, the value will be rounded by this amount.""" try: value = mmtf_dict[m_key] if date: value = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d").date() if first: value = value[0] if trim: try: value = [round(v, trim) for v in value] except: value = round(value, trim) data_dict[d_cat][d_key] = value except: pass
[docs]def structure_to_mmtf_string(structure): """Converts a :py:class:`.AtomStructure` to a .mmtf filestring. No compression is currently performed. :param AtomStructure structure: the structure to convert. :rtype: ``bytes``""" chains, ligands, waters, properties, entities = get_structures(structure) entity_list = get_entity_list(entities, chains, ligands, waters) chain_ids, chain_names = get_chain_ids_and_names(chains, ligands, waters) groups_per_chain = get_groups_per_chain(chains, ligands, waters) group_types, group_ids, groups, ins = get_groups(chains, ligands, waters) x, y, z, alt, bfactor, ids, occupancy = zip(*properties) chain_count = len(chains) + len(ligands) + len(set(l.chain for l in waters)) d = { "numModels": 1, "numChains": chain_count, "chainsPerModel": [chain_count], "xCoordList": x, "yCoordList": y, "zCoordList": z, "altLocList": alt, "bFactorList": bfactor, "atomIdList": ids, "occupancyList": occupancy, "entityList": entity_list, "chainIdList": chain_ids, "insCodeList": ins, "chainNameList": chain_names, "groupsPerChain": groups_per_chain, "groupList": groups, "groupIdList": group_ids, "groupTypeList": group_types } return msgpack.packb(d)
[docs]def get_structures(structure): """Takes an atomic structure, and creates a list of chains within it, a list of ligands, a list of waters, a list of relevant atom properties, and a list of entities. :param AtomStructure structure: the structure to unpack. :rtype: ``tuple``""" chains, ligands, waters, atom_properties = set(), set(), set(), [] for atom in sorted(structure.atoms(), key=lambda a: get_structure_from_atom(atom, chains, ligands, waters) atom_properties.append(list(atom.location) + [ "", atom.bvalue,, 1 ]) chains = sorted(chains, key=lambda c: c._internal_id) ligands = sorted(ligands, key=lambda l: l._internal_id) waters = sorted(waters, key=lambda w: w._internal_id) entities = create_entities(chains, ligands, waters) return (chains, ligands, waters, atom_properties, entities)
[docs]def get_entity_list(entities, chains, ligands, waters): """Takes a list of entity objects, as well as the objects they represent, and turns them into a list of .mmtf dictionaries. :param list entities: the entities to pack. :param list chains: the chains to pack. :param list ligands: the ligands to pack. :param list waters: the waters to pack. :rtype: ``list``""" entity_list = [] for e in entities: if isinstance(e, Chain): entity_list.append({"type": "polymer", "chainIndexList": [ i for i, c in enumerate(chains) if c.sequence == e.sequence ], "sequence": e.sequence}) elif isinstance(e, Ligand) and not e.is_water: entity_list.append({"type": "non-polymer", "chainIndexList": [ i + len(chains) for i, l in enumerate(ligands) if l._name == e._name ]}) else: water_chains = set(w.chain for w in waters) entity_list.append({"type": "water", "chainIndexList": [ i + len(chains) + len(ligands) for i in range(len(water_chains)) ]}) return entity_list
[docs]def get_chain_ids_and_names(chains, ligands, waters): """Takes lists of chains, ligands and waters, and returns the chain IDs and chain names that should go in the .mmtf file. :param list chains: the chains to pack. :param list ligands: the ligands to pack. :param list waters: the waters to pack. :rtype: ``list``""" chain_ids, chain_names = [], [] for chain in chains: chain_ids.append(chain._internal_id) chain_names.append( for ligand in ligands: chain_ids.append(ligand._internal_id) chain_names.append( for water in waters: if water._internal_id not in chain_ids: chain_ids.append(water._internal_id) chain_names.append( return (chain_ids, chain_names)
[docs]def get_groups_per_chain(chains, ligands, waters): """Takes lists of chains, ligands and waters, and returns the chain counts that should go in the .mmtf file. :param list chains: the chains to pack. :param list ligands: the ligands to pack. :param list waters: the waters to pack. :rtype: ``list``""" groups_per_chain = [] for chain in chains: groups_per_chain.append(len(chain.residues())) for ligand in ligands: groups_per_chain.append(1) water_chains = sorted(set(w._internal_id for w in waters)) for wc in water_chains: groups_per_chain.append(len([w for w in waters if w._internal_id == wc])) return groups_per_chain
[docs]def get_groups(chains, ligands, waters): """Creates the relevant lists of group information from chains, ligands and waters. :param list chains: the chains to pack. :param list ligands: the ligands to pack. :param list waters: the waters to pack. :rtype: ``tuple``""" group_types, group_ids, groups, inserts = [], [], [], [] for chain in chains: for res in chain.residues(): add_het_to_groups(res, group_types, group_ids, groups, inserts) for ligand in ligands + waters: add_het_to_groups(ligand, group_types, group_ids, groups, inserts) return (group_types, group_ids, groups, inserts)
[docs]def add_het_to_groups(het, group_type_list, group_id_list, group_list, ins_list): """Updates group lists with information from a single :py:class:`.Het`. :param Het het: the Het to pack. :param list group_type_list: the list of group types. :param list group_id_list: the list of group IDs. :param list group_list: the list of groups. :param list ins_list: the list of insertion codes. :rtype: ``tuple``""" atoms = sorted(het.atoms(), key=lambda a: group = { "groupName": het._name, "atomNameList": [a._name for a in atoms], "elementList": [a.element for a in atoms], "formalChargeList": [a.charge for a in atoms] } for i, g in enumerate(group_list): if g == group: group_type_list.append(i) break else: group_list.append(group) group_type_list.append(len(group_list) - 1) id_, insert = split_residue_id(atoms[0]) group_id_list.append(id_) ins_list.append(insert if insert != "?" else "")